Be Your Own Best Lover


This word.... Lover.

What does this stir in you?

For most of my life, this word was attached to a very specific storyline…

A gorgeous man whisking me away to ravish me, adore me and thinks that I’m the most beautiful thing in the world.

Sound familiar?

Or someone mysterious, just slightly out of reach…who makes my heart beat faster and I feel uncontrollably magnetized towards them.

Or someone that knows exactly how I want to be touched (without me telling them of course), and knows every pleasure spot that makes me go wild…

For many years of my life, the word lover always involved another person. Someone powerful that can “do” something to me… that activates my lust, eros and turns me on.

However there is another possibility… one that tantra has connected me to in the most beautiful way and perhaps it can for you too.

What if…

You are your own best lover?You could touch yourself in ways you long for?You could lavish attention on my body the way I most deserve?You can give yourself the unconditional love and unwavering presence that you desire?

What if…

You don’t need somebody else to turn you on, but could turn yourself on… through your own body, sounds, sweetness, feistiness, sensuality and juiciness?

What if you could be turned by Nature… the scent of blooming flowers, the sweetness of hone and the caress of the wind?

What if…you could be turn on by Life itself, the greatest, wildest Lover?

When we learn to be our own best lover, this is a huge gift to ourselves and relationships… because then we open the door to love without needing anything from one one else. Love becomes a play, a dance, an unfolding.

And really… how can we expect someone else to turn us on if we don’t know how to do that ourselves?

That’s a big burden for our lovers… and also leaves us powerless… because our turn on is our own life force… that which makes us come ALIVE!


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